
Build and style Material-UI components


Build and style Material-UI componenents using a dynamic interface. my-Mui provides two developer tools for styling and building Material-UI components quickly and easily: The Theme Styler and the Grid Builder. | repo

Theme Styler

The Theme Styler allows you to customize your Material-UI theme without having to frequently refer to documentation. The dynamic interface provides a step by step guide on the parameters you can manipulate within the ThemeProvider. Once finished, you can download the json file and copy and paste the code into your own project.

Grid Builder

The Grid Builder follows the 12 column grid system, and is meant to help users visualize how Material-UI structures grid layouts and positioning.

Saving Themes

my-MUI allows logged in users to save their themes when using the Theme Styler. As a logged in user, a theme will be stored in a user dashboard where users can save, edit, preview, and delete their themes.

Explore Page

Users can upload and share their themes on an explore page. The explore page allows users to view, star, and bookmark themes created by other users, and share custom themes with the my-MUI community.

Tech Stack

Created with React, Firebase, Firestore, Material-UI, FileSaver, and


Conceptualized and built by Manny Garcia, Nelson Liu, Rana Quadri, and Alexander Wang.